outlook 加载配置项_如何禁用Outlook加载项进行故障排除
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outlook 加载配置项

outlook 加载配置项

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If the Outlook client starts behaving oddly, one of the first things to do is see whether add-ins are causing the problem. Here’s how to disable them so you can tell if they’re the issue.

如果Outlook客户端开始表现异常,则要做的第一件事就是查看加载项是否引起了该问题。 这是禁用它们的方法,因此您可以确定它们是否是问题所在。

什么是加载项? (What are Add-Ins?)

Add-ins are extra bits of functionality that software providers create to hook their application into Outlook. You can install add-ins yourself by opening Outlook and clicking Home > Get Add-ins, which will show you some of the add-ins available to you.

加载项是软件提供商创建的用于将其应用程序连接到Outlook的额外功能。 您可以通过打开Outlook并单击“主页”>“获取加载项”来自己安装加载项,这将向您显示一些可用的加载项。

The Get Add-ins button

However, most add-ins are installed automatically when you install a piece of software on your computer. You may never use the add-ins, or even be aware that they’re there, but they aren’t (usually) malware or anything nasty. They’re intended to make it easier for you to use a product. For example, when you install , it installs an Outlook add-in that lets you make PDFs out of emails.

但是,当您在计算机上安装软件时,大多数加载项会自动安装。 您可能永远不会使用加载项,或者甚至知道它们在其中,但它们(通常)不是恶意软件或任何令人讨厌的东西。 它们旨在使您更轻松地使用产品。 例如,当您安装 ,它将安装一个Outlook加载项,使您可以从电子邮件中提取PDF。

There’s usually no need to remove add-ins, but if Outlook starts behaving oddly—especially if it freezes, crashes, or refuses to open—then disabling the add-ins will tell you if they’re the problem.


如何禁用所有加载项 (How to Disable All Add-Ins)

Troubleshooting is all about finding the cause of a problem. The best way to do this is to gradually narrow down the possible issues until you’re left with just the cause of the problem. In the case of Outlook problems, this means disabling all the add-ins and, if the problem goes away, re-enabling the add-ins one by one to identify which one is causing the problem. This is particularly true if Outlook is encountering problems at startup.

故障排除只是寻找问题原因。 最好的方法是逐步缩小可能出现的问题,直到只剩下问题的原因。 在Outlook问题的情况下,这意味着禁用所有加载项,如果问题消失,则逐个重新启用加载项以识别是哪个问题引起了问题。 如果Outlook在启动时遇到问题,则尤其如此。

The easiest way to disable all of the add-ins at once is to open Outlook in Safe Mode. This disables all the add-ins but doesn’t change anything else, so if one (or more) of the add-ins is causing the problem, everything will work as expected in Safe Mode. There are several ways to open Outlook in Safe Mode, depending on what version of Outlook and which version of Windows you’re using. There are a couple of methods that generally should work across all the combinations of supported versions of Outlook and Windows, but if these don’t work then search online for your particular combination.

一次禁用所有加载项的最简单方法是在安全模式下打开Outlook。 这将禁用所有加载项,但不会进行任何其他更改,因此,如果一个(或多个)加载项引起了问题,则一切将在“安全模式”下按预期工作。 有几种方法可以在安全模式下打开Outlook,具体取决于您使用的是哪个版本的Outlook和哪个Windows版本。 通常有两种方法可以在受支持的Outlook和Windows版本的所有组合中使用,但是如果这些方法不起作用,请在线搜索您的特定组合。

方法1:启动Outlook时按住Ctrl键 (Method One: Hold the Ctrl Key While Launching Outlook)

This works whether you click an icon on your taskbar, desktop, or from the Windows menu. Hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard while clicking the Outlook icon (or double-clicking if your icon is on the desktop). A confirmation message will be displayed.

无论您单击任务栏,桌面上的图标还是从Windows菜单中单击图标,此方法均有效。 在单击Outlook图标的同时,按住键盘上的CTRL键(或者如果您的图标在桌面上,则双击)。 将显示一条确认消息。

The Safe mode confirmation dialogue

Click “Yes” to open Outlook in Safe Mode.


方法二:使用运行对话框或Windows 10开始菜单 (Method Two: Use the Run Dialog or Windows 10 Start Menu)

In Windows 10 press the Windows key, or in Windows 7 or 8 press the Windows key + R. In Windows 10 this will bring up the Windows menu where you can type commands directly, and in Windows 7 or 8 this will bring up the Run dialog, where you can also type run commands. Either way, type “outlook.exe /safe” (without the quote marks) and then hit Enter. This will bring up the Profile Chooser.

在Windows 10中,按Windows键,或者在Windows 7或8中,按Windows键+R。在Windows 10中,将弹出Windows菜单,您可以在其中直接键入命令,而在Windows 7或8中,则显示运行。对话框,您还可以在其中键入运行命令。 无论哪种方式,键入“ outlook.exe / safe”(不带引号),然后按Enter。 这将调出配置文件选择器。

The Profile chooser dialogue

Choose the profile you want to open (for most people there will only be a single “Outlook” profile to choose) and then click “OK.” This will open Outlook in Safe Mode.

选择您要打开的配置文件(对于大多数人来说,只有一个“ Outlook”配置文件可供选择),然后单击“确定”。 这将在安全模式下打开Outlook。

Whichever method you choose, Outlook will be open in Safe Mode. The name of the program in the header bar will change from “Microsoft Outlook” to “Microsoft Outlook (Safe Mode).”

无论选择哪种方法,Outlook都将在安全模式下打开。 标题栏中的程序名称将从“ Microsoft Outlook”更改为“ Microsoft Outlook(安全模式)”。

Outlook header bar showing Safe Mode text

All of the add-ins will be disabled, EXCEPT some core Microsoft Office add-ins. These are very unlikely to be the cause of an Outlook issue, but you can disable them manually once Outlook is open. Next time you open Outlook as usual (i.e., not in Safe Mode), the add-ins will be enabled again, unless you’ve manually disabled them.

除某些核心Microsoft Office加载项外,所有加载项都将被禁用。 这些极不可能是导致Outlook问题的原因,但是一旦Outlook打开,就可以手动将其禁用。 下次您照常打开Outlook(即不在安全模式下)时,除非您已手动禁用外接程序,否则它们将再次启用。

如何禁用单个加载项 (How to Disable Individual Add-ins)

Starting in Safe Mode will tell you if one of your add-ins is the problem, but if you want to disable a single add-in—such as one that’s just been installed or a core Microsoft add-in that isn’t disabled in Safe Mode—you can do that too. Click File > Options, and then click the “Add-Ins” category on the left.

以安全模式启动将告诉您问题是否是您的加载项之一,但是要禁用单个加载项(例如刚刚安装的加载项或未在其中禁用的核心Microsoft加载项)安全模式-您也可以这样做。 单击文件>选项,然后单击左侧的“加载项”类别。

The Add-ins option

This will open the Add-ins section. To enable or disable add-ins, make sure that “COM Add-ins” is selected in the dropdown (it’s the default, so you shouldn’t need to change it) and then click “Go.”

这将打开“加载项”部分。 要启用或禁用加载项,请确保在下拉列表中选择了“ COM加载项”(这是默认设置,因此您无需更改它),然后单击“转到”。

The Go button for managing add-ins

This opens up the COM Add-ins dialogue, where you can enable or disable add-ins.

这将打开“ COM加载项”对话框,您可以在其中启用或禁用加载项。

The COM Add-ins dialogue

Enabling and disabling is a tick-box exercise—a tick means the add-in is enabled; no tick means the add-in is disabled. To disable an add-in, untick it and then click “OK.”

启用和禁用是复选框的练习—勾选表示加载项已启用; 没有勾号表示该加载项被禁用。 要禁用加载项,请取消选中它,然后单击“确定”。

The COM Add-ins dialogue with an add-in and the OK button highlighted

Important: Make sure that you don’t click “Remove.” This will uninstall the selected add-in, not disable it!

重要提示:请确保不要单击“删除”。 这将卸载选定的加载项,而不是禁用它!

When you go back into File > Options > Add-ins, the add-in you disabled will be visible in the disabled add-ins section.


The Add-ins option showing a disabled add-in

The add-in will remain disabled until you enable it again. Test to see if your problem occurs when the add-in is disabled; if it does, keep disabling your add-ins one by one until you find the culprit.

加载项将保持禁用状态,直到您再次启用它为止。 测试以查看禁用外接程序后是否出现问题; 如果是这样,请继续逐个禁用加载项,直到找到罪魁祸首。

如何启用单个加载项 (How to Enable Individual Add-ins)

Once you’ve worked out what add-in is causing the problem (if any of them are), you can re-enable any other add-ins that you disabled. Enabling individual add-ins is as simple as disabling them: click File > Options > Add-Ins, make sure that “COM Add-ins” is selected in the dropdown, and then click “Go” to open up the COM Add-ins dialogue.

找出导致问题的加载项(如果有的话)后,您可以重新启用您禁用的任何其他加载项。 启用单个加载项就像禁用它们一样简单:单击文件>选项>加载项,确保在下拉列表中选择了“ COM加载项”,然后单击“执行”以打开COM加载项对话。

Tick the add-ins you want to enable and then click “OK.” You might have to restart Outlook for the add-ins to load, and it’s generally a good idea to do that anyway to make sure everything is working correctly.

勾选您要启用的加载项,然后单击“确定”。 您可能必须重新启动Outlook才能加载加载项,并且通常这样做还是一个好主意,以确保一切正常。

You can disable and enable add-ins whenever you’re troubleshooting an Outlook problem. They’re not always the cause, but if Outlook has been working fine and then a problem occurs after a new add-in has been installed, it’s a good place to start looking.

在对Outlook问题进行故障排除时,可以禁用和启用加载项。 它们并非总是原因,但如果Outlook运行良好,然后在安装新加载项后出现问题,那么这是一个开始寻找的好地方。


outlook 加载配置项


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